Playing Trivia in Rounds is a popular way to create shared experiences and build virtual, remote teams. Learn how to set up and run these virtual trivia games with the SocialPoint Online Trivia Platform.
Most people play trivia to create shared experiences and encourage people to collaborate and work together. SocialPoint has upped its game here and has several new and improved experiences to help you run a trivia game in rounds.
In this article
Which game flow experience are you trying to create?
There are a few different game patterns that you might be trying to create. Most of you contact us because you want your game to follow this pattern:
Your Players will join a Zoom call (or Webex or any other video platform).
You organize players into teams and assign a team captain who will submit answers for the group.
Then, you push the players together in breakout rooms so they can create a fun team name and get to know each other.
You bring the players back to the main room to announce the round and get started on the game.
The players return to the breakout room to get ready for the questions. You start the auto-play feature so they can answer the questions in the round.
After the round, you bring the players back to the main room to see the leaderboard and learn the next category.
Repeat the process until you are ready to wrap up the game.
Wrap up the game by showing the final leaderboard and announcing the winner.
Does that sound about right? Let me show you how to do this with the SocialPoint Online Trivia Platform.
Features of SocialPoint for easy Virtual Trivia in rounds
SocialPoint is an online trivia platform that automatically collects question responses, scores the game, and tabulates the leaderboard.
Team captains can create a unique team name for their team.
SocialPoint pushes the questions and correct/incorrect status to the players and teams while hiding the leaderboard until you are ready to reveal the leaderboard.
SocialPoint supports both manual gameplay and automated gameplay in rounds.
How do I set up my SocialPoint game to play in rounds?
Step 1: Setup Your Game
Follow SocialPoint’s trivia wizard.
Choose the “Play with a group” and “Live Trivia” game types.
Now your game is ready to play a regular trivia game. We will make a few adjustments to get it prepared for trivia in rounds.
Step 2: Personalize Your Game
Get your game ready for Team gameplay in rounds.
Change the Label to “Enter a Fun Team Name.”
Most hosts want players to create their own fun team name.
Add Points for Fastest Response
SocialPoint gives all teams the same points for answering a trivia question. You can spice up the game by using the fastest response bonus to reward teams that respond quickly. You can give the reward to one group or more.
Update Your trivia question points.
Each question can have a different set of points. So, you can make the points increase as the questions get more complicated or as the rounds increase. Alternatively, you can make the last question in the round a bonus question worth 3X the points.
To set up your questions, just edit the points on each question to support the way you want your gameplay to work.
Step 3: Organize Trivia Questions into Rounds
Right now, your trivia questions are probably in one set. Now we need to organize your trivia questions into rounds.
In SocialPoint, each trivia question “Category” will be a different round. So, if you want to play the following Round game:
Animals we love
Finish the Disney Lyric
Are You Smarter than a Hogwarts’ student?
Name that Avenger
You would need to set it up like this:
1. Add Socialpoint Questions
Add the sets of questions that you want to your game from SocialPoint’s question database. Initially, the system will load 20-40 trivia questions per category. If you wish to do shorter rounds, you will need to delete some of the questions.
Alternatively, you can access the question library and get a random set of questions for your game.
2. Add your questions
Use our excel uploader to add your questions. Or you can add your questions one at a time.
3. Organize your questions.
Now you need to organize your questions. Delete the questions that you don’t want in the game. Reorder your questions and categories of questions.
4. Check the points per question
You can adjust the points per question in your game.
Step 4: Review Your Game
To make sure that game day is a hit, you will want to practice, practice, practice.
Be sure to practice both the game flow AND moving players in and out of Zoom team rooms.
Send the players into Breakout Rooms to Pick a Team name. Ask the Team Captain to submit the team name in SocialPoint.
Watch for teams to submit team names. Names will appear on the leaderboard and you will see how many teams are in the game in the Total Players column.
Once your Teams have joined, click Start Game to begin. (Some groups bring everyone back for last minute instructions, some just start playing. It’s a matter of preference.)
When you reach the end of a category, the leaderboard will appear. The current round is now over. Pause the Game. Then, bring the players back to the main room.
Rinse and repeat until you have finished all question categories (rounds) or run out of time.
Declare a Winner!
Wrap up
Now you should feel confident that you can personalize your SocialPoint trivia game for Round game play. Have a great event!
Samuel J. Smith is a thought leader, researcher, speaker and award winning innovator on event technology. In 2011, BizBash Magazine added Sam to its annual innovators list. Since then, Sam has won awards from Exhibitor Magazine, IBTM World, RSVP MN, International Live Events Association and MPI for innovation in event technology.