Convincing Your Boss To Try Interactive Trade Show Games
The good news: You’ve discovered how interactive trade show games can boost exhibiting results with significantly more booth traffic and leads, and you’re eager to try games in an upcoming event.
The bad news: Your boss doesn’t share your enthusiasm. At least, not yet.
As you would expect, we want to help you be persuasive about this. Therefore, here are 5 points you can share with your boss, written from your perspective:
1. We Need An Activity To Maximize Trade Show ROI
We won’t get enough booth traffic without an activity. Just standing in the booth doing nothing will not bring in the visitors. Attendees have become too reluctant and time-starved to walk into every booth. We need a compelling activity to grab their valuable attention and pull them in. A popular activity will multiply our overall results far greater than their additional marginal cost.
2. Interactive Trade Show Games Fit The Bill
I’ve looked at several other potential activities, and arrived at interactive trade show games because they’re fun, affordable, drive booth traffic, attract digitally-minded Millennials, and capture leads. This meets so many of my key buying criteria. Other activities don’t do it all. Plus, according to industry research from CEIR, 67% of attendees want to be educated by trade show games but only 7% of exhibitors are using them, so we have a chance to really stand out.
3. We Need To Try Something New
We can’t get by doing what our predecessors did years and years ago, even though their “tricks” aren’t working anymore. We must invest the time to try a new approach, especially when it’s easy to implement as these interactive trade show games.
4. Experiments Lead To Improvement
In other marketing mediums (direct mail and social media for example), we test new ideas, measure results, and expand on the winners. Let me try this. It’s a safe bet – as past exhibitors have increased booth traffic and leads by 30% to 100%.
5. We’ll Help Our Booth Staffers, Too
With fun interactive trade show games, our booth staffers won’t be bored with too little to do, or anxious about reaching out to attendees in the aisles. A fun game helps break the ice with booth visitors and helps staffers to build relationships.
Feel free to share this article with your boss or colleagues. Or just copy the 5 points above and paste them into your own email to your team.
If you’d like to see more about how you can drive more booth traffic, keep attendees engaged longer, and capture leads with our fun interactive trade show games, click here to ask for a product demo. We’ll help you generate a serious increase in excitement, crowds, and leads.